Sunday, March 20, 2005

Starting over

[I began this blog a couple of years ago on my own website but I lost interest when the only comments I got were Viagra spam and offers to bail out Mexican prisoners, so I let it go. Today I reread some of the old stuff and realized it was a lot better than my new stuff! So I must have got something right back then. And todays blogger software has better spam protection. And fewer of my relatives are in Mexican jails. Anyway, it's back!

Below is the very first post from the old blog in early 2003.]

When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. But when you have a sense of humor...

The world is your oyster. If you think oysters are funny. Otherwise, the world is your Weight Watchers Frozen Dessert.

I know I'm not the only person in the world who thinks those are funny. I see people in the supermarket, snickering in the frozen food aisle. Thin people. People with nothing to lose. Fat people don't laugh at dessert. Dessert is to be taken seriously. The Right Honorable Cupcake. His Excellency, the Chancellor of Fudge. The Royal Ambassador to the Court of St. Twinkie.

If you go to one of those meetings, what do you suppose you will talk about to take mind off food? That's right. Food. "Have you tried those new Styrofoam Cows? They're as cold as ice cream and a whole lot of crunching for just 2 points!" Recipes. "This recipe makes five gallons of stew and you can have half a cup for just 3 points. My husband loves it when I make this." Dining out. "I'll have a Chicken Cordon Bleu sandwich, hold the ham, hold the cheese, hold the bun. Can I sub a dill pickle for those fries? Are you sure this is Diet? I'll need a doggie bag for the pickle."

Face it, when you're trying to lose weight, all you can think about is food. A normal person thinks about food two-three times a day. A dieter thinks about anything else two-three times a week. Food becomes so interesting. It's not just for eating anymore, it's a pasttime, a hobby, a vocation. "Where have you been for the last five hours?" "I went to the supermarket to pick up some ice." "My God, what did you buy?" "Ice."

Good marketing is you find a need and fill it. Great marketing is you find an obsession and throw a saddle on it. Weight Watchers are pikers. This could be a whole category of future products. Nico-Ban Pacifiers. (Suck on this!)

Twelve Step Wasabi Shooters.

I'd share more but a guy has to make a living. My idea for 99% Antiseptic Hand Soap (Wash again to get 99% of the remaining 1%!!) got out and, well, everybody knows the Compulsoap story.